Tuesday 21 April 2020

Adventure Little Summer

Hello Children,

Welcome to my blog. I hope you are in good health and stay energetic while you at home and don't forget to take care of your healthy during  Restricted Movement Order (RMO). However, don't forget to study and learn for your learning education for future information. Children, let's read my blog to you improving your learning and exploring my visual learning. Don't forget to share my blog learning with your peers.

Program Adventure Little Summer

 I make it for the whole day or two days based on teachers in other school and parents wants. It is because I want to let children have more fun, enjoy, gaining love, respect each and involve in art and play. Also, help children to build their confidence  during  nature activities and been more relax for children to learning through play.  Adventure Little Summer actually good for children to build their skill in growth and development, learning and knowledgeable to gain experiences and explore through their observing the nature by them self because nowadays, most probably family that have children they stay at city and why not parents sent their child to the 'Adventure Little Summer ' for their child develop and learn and feel  the nature by them self.
                 Adventure Little Summer most looks like little camp for children. This is some itinerary for program at Adventure Little Summer.

Program One Day

Program for 2 Day

This picture I took and edit by myself 

In this program, children will explore the natural world based on their experiences in doing activities at summer camp like morning circle and greetings, learning through landscape of camp which is in camp has farm animals, gardening and river. From all the activities that do in summer came children can learn about their sensory, involve in social and emotional, solve problems and many activities that children will involve in water play and food-cooking if children took program 2 days. 

However, during this Restricted Movement Control (RMO) I took this opportunity to making this blog and activity for children make at home.  Let's enjoy! 💖💖💖


Adventure Little Summer blog created for children age 5 to 6 years old. This blog was created for make children easy to join our visual learning to gain basic knowledge about nature. Nature is about physical world or living things that we can discovering using our body part to identify what is the nature for example animals like bees, cat, bear, panda, butterfly while plants, flower, trees, field and other than animal and plants are mountain, river, bridge, cloudy and many things that we can see, ear, smell, taste and touch. 


- Children will able to identify the different things of living thing
- Children able to understand what 'nature' need
- Children able to learn about life cycles of living things
- Children  able to respect and appreciate the nature in world

So, to know more about nature, let's we learn and find out more what is nature. 

Information Adventure Little Summer

This picture is taken from 
Wallpapers HD Cartoon Nature 

Hello children, we back to our segment 'Nature'. As your read at above, what is Nature, children? Yes, nature is physical world that live. How we can explore the nature? Do you have idea children? Okay, let teacher explain to you. Read carefully children. 😄

1. Five Senses in Nature

This picture is taken from 
YouTube Learning Junction
(Human Senses Organ l Learn about five Senses)

       Do you know children, we can using our five senses to identify, learn and discovering of  surrounding us?  My answer is YES. Why? Because, we learn and discovering nature using our five senses which is we used eyes to seeing what have surrounding us for example, in teacher surrounding now, what teacher can see is  roses flower, my cat named lily, fish pond and cloudy. When teacher writing this blog, teacher setting beside the window and teacher ear hearing bird "chip chip". At the same time, teacher nose can smelling roses flower. Roses flower smell like a honey and sometimes teacher smell roses flower like a fruit. Oh ya, say about fruit. We also can learn nature through our mouth which is we used mouth to tasting what we eat for example, teacher have green apple, and teacher bite green apple and it taste sour. The last one is touching 'hand' which is teacher touch green apple.
2. Animals 
This picture is taken from freepick.com

Children, did you know that animals is one of the living things in world which is in nature too. Do you know what is animals? Animals are living things that need water, food and safe place to live. How they want to find food? Animals can find food by them self. Animals can eat them self or other animals can be for them food also including animals can eat plants. Children do you know there  have few classification of animals that children need to know which is invertebrates - animals that do not have backbone like octopus, starfish, jellyfish, squid, lobsters, crab and many more while vertebrates animals have backbones. There have types of vertebrates animals which is mammals - cow ,    reptiles - snake, birds, fish and amphibians- frog. 

3. Plants

This picture is taken from Agrocares

Children plants is also part of living things in nature which is plants can make their own food through sunlight. Soil for plants roots more strong while water for plant able to absorb water for roots function. Children, do yo know plants is important for our world. It is because leaves can release oxygen and cleaning carbon dioxide and it also important for human and animals to breathe. Not only that children, plant also give us food and medicine from certain plant. There have six parts of plant that children need to know which is roots, stem, leaf, flower, seed and fruit. 

This picture is taken from k8schoollessons.com

Children, before we proceed to next point. Do you know life cycles? No? Okay let teacher explain. Life cycle is a stages of living things which is process from birth to death. Which want can we be used in life cycle? Animals or plants? Ahaaaa... both of living things have life cycle. Human also have a life cycle which is from fetus to baby or infant become a toddler  to adolescent. From adolescent to adult and become old person. 

4. Rivers
This picture is taken from freepik.com

Children, did you know that where we can get water to drink, cook, washing, farming and many? Yes, children. We get water to drink, cook, washing, farming and many else from river because river is bodies of water. It is freshwater for human, animals and plants to used it safety. Starting point of river  on a top of mountain which is snow and trickles melts they downward and gather together become a water and usually river have connected route to the sea. 


Now time for you to do an activities.
Objectives of activities is teacher want to see if children understand or not with our visual learning today and practicing your drawing skills. For first activity to see the way children imagine about nature and second activity is children able to used item nature which is leaves and toys of animals. In this activity we can learn and know the structure of leaves and also body part of animals too.
So, let's do together 😍

Suggestion of activity

1. Nature Drawing

In this activity, children need to draw what they imagine about nature.

For example :
This picture is taken from getdrawings.com

First, what children need are : drawing paper, palette, watercolor, brush. 
This picture is taken from google and editing by me

Note : It's okay children if you don't have palette, watercolor and brush. You can change it to color.  

This picture is taken from google and editing by me

Second, children need to draw what they imagine about nature.
After that, color with your creativity. 

For example : 
This picture is taken from bikejournal.com

This picture is taken from clipart.email

2. Mirror Coloring

Children, in second activity children need to find leaves or children can used your animals toys.
In this activity children need to draw it following the edges of leaves or toys. 

For example : 
This picture is taken from Pinterest Craft

This picture is taken from Pinterest Stemactivities

First, what children need are drawing paper, pencil, color pencil and eraser.

This picture is taken from google and editing by me

Second, children need to put the leaves or toys on the paper.

This picture is taken from getdrawings.com

This picture is taken from family.disney

Third, children need to draw it following the edges or line of leaves or animals. 

This picture is taken from Richland Academy 

 This picture is taken from momeefriendsli

After that, children can color the picture following the line or inside the line that children make. 

This picture is taken from Pinterest politfiftyfive

Now, we done children. Good job Children. Excellent. 

This gif is taken from Pinterest gifmania

Teacher include one video from Nature for children know the ideas to play.

YouTube : Raising Children Network
Nature Walk : Play ideas for Children


In this conclusion, teacher can conclude it visual learning through blog is easy for children to learn and help children in increase their vocabulary. Other than that, for children learn to concentrate and focus in learning and help children in open minded to find the idea in their lesson activities. From information that teacher bring out in this blog, teacher hope children will learn and understand what we learn today for your future information.  

Thank You children for stay read my blog and do our activities together. 

Will see you again. Bye 👋

Monday 22 August 2016

Good Moral Values For Young Children


Most educator recognize the need for young children in kindergarten school is to have the good moral values among them in their life. As a general rule, its up for us to teach our young children what to believe and how they should live their lives. But when it comes to teaching moral values, we have to pass on a few values to teach our young children start from the kindergarten school. This is because there are simple and common moral values that are quickly fading from our younger generation. So, as an educator, what are the examples of the good moral values that we have to teach for young children in preschool education? The examples are respect, honesty, self-disciplines, responsibility, good manners, politeness, courage and friendliness.

.                            Based on the above, the first good moral value that we have to teach to young children is respect. This is because respect people is one of the most important values for young children to apply in their daily life. But, nowadays, this aspect have slowly fading from our younger generation. So, young children have to respect the people that are more older than them. For example, when they are talking to old people, they have to soft-spoken with them. Next, honesty. As we all know, honesty is the best policy. If we teach young children from they were in kindergarten, we have no need to worry about it as they get older. This is because we always worried on how to deal with our young children that will not tell the truth. So, as an educator, since they were in childhood, we have to teach them to be always telling the truth. After that, we have to teach them to be self-disciplined. This is because when they are already adulthood, they can disciplined themselves. We also have to teach them to be responsibility. For example, giving young children easy chores to do, like picking up their toys, take care the cleanliness of the environment in preschool. When we teach them this, they also have responsible like to do their homework without reminded. Other than that, good manners. As we all know, good manners may not necessarily be a moral value, but we will find that for the most part, good manners are sorely lacking nowadays. So, as an educator have to make sure to set a good example for manners at preschool so that the young children can follow with the good manners. In addition, we have to teach young children to be polite. For teaching them to be polite to others, it is just a simple things. For example, remembering them to always say “thank you” to the someone who help them. We have to teach them from the start and they will come naturally. Then, we must teach them to be courageous, not a coward. When we teaching them to be courageous since in preschool, they will courage to face challenges in future. Lastly, we have to teach them to be friendly. We will find that friendliness comes naturally to most young children. This is a good thing, but we, as an educator have to teach them for not talking to strangers and explain the dangers of talking to strangers.
    Example of Images of The Good Moral Value

The young children are honest to their parents. This images shows that the kids is giving back his father's money.

The kids are responsible to the cleanliness of their preschool. This image shows us that the kids were worked together to clean the compound.


The student are respect the their teacher. For example, this kids help his teacher bring the book to the class. This also shows that that kids are always be punctual when going to class.


        As for the conclusion from what we learnt when doing this final project is we learnt how to use and create this blogger. This is because all of our group members never use the blogger before this. We were just only read the others people blogger in internet. So, this is our first time using it and sign up into it. After we are done to sign up to blogger , we have to face the challenge on how to publish the post that we are done and how to change the background of the blog to make it become more interesting. We also learnt how to put the images and videos in blogger. Firstly, it was so difficult for us to do that, to manage the images,videos and all about our blogger because it's our first time doing this blogger. But, finally we were managed to do that and created the blog for our IT's subject project.

        As for conclusion from the our topic, we can conclude that is very important for young children to have the good moral values. But, it is not just for young children , we as an educator have important role which is we should teach them the good moral values that they can applied in their life. This is because when they already become a adulthood, they can differentiate between the good and the bad things moral values. We can teach them the good moral value such as respect ,honestly ,self-disciplines ,responsibility ,good manners ,politeness ,courage and friendliness.


1. Parenting.allowomenstalk.com
2. https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6037651945224880648#allposts

         This is our group members for the Information Technology Preschool Education's subject.