Monday 22 August 2016

Good Moral Values For Young Children


Most educator recognize the need for young children in kindergarten school is to have the good moral values among them in their life. As a general rule, its up for us to teach our young children what to believe and how they should live their lives. But when it comes to teaching moral values, we have to pass on a few values to teach our young children start from the kindergarten school. This is because there are simple and common moral values that are quickly fading from our younger generation. So, as an educator, what are the examples of the good moral values that we have to teach for young children in preschool education? The examples are respect, honesty, self-disciplines, responsibility, good manners, politeness, courage and friendliness.

.                            Based on the above, the first good moral value that we have to teach to young children is respect. This is because respect people is one of the most important values for young children to apply in their daily life. But, nowadays, this aspect have slowly fading from our younger generation. So, young children have to respect the people that are more older than them. For example, when they are talking to old people, they have to soft-spoken with them. Next, honesty. As we all know, honesty is the best policy. If we teach young children from they were in kindergarten, we have no need to worry about it as they get older. This is because we always worried on how to deal with our young children that will not tell the truth. So, as an educator, since they were in childhood, we have to teach them to be always telling the truth. After that, we have to teach them to be self-disciplined. This is because when they are already adulthood, they can disciplined themselves. We also have to teach them to be responsibility. For example, giving young children easy chores to do, like picking up their toys, take care the cleanliness of the environment in preschool. When we teach them this, they also have responsible like to do their homework without reminded. Other than that, good manners. As we all know, good manners may not necessarily be a moral value, but we will find that for the most part, good manners are sorely lacking nowadays. So, as an educator have to make sure to set a good example for manners at preschool so that the young children can follow with the good manners. In addition, we have to teach young children to be polite. For teaching them to be polite to others, it is just a simple things. For example, remembering them to always say “thank you” to the someone who help them. We have to teach them from the start and they will come naturally. Then, we must teach them to be courageous, not a coward. When we teaching them to be courageous since in preschool, they will courage to face challenges in future. Lastly, we have to teach them to be friendly. We will find that friendliness comes naturally to most young children. This is a good thing, but we, as an educator have to teach them for not talking to strangers and explain the dangers of talking to strangers.
    Example of Images of The Good Moral Value

The young children are honest to their parents. This images shows that the kids is giving back his father's money.

The kids are responsible to the cleanliness of their preschool. This image shows us that the kids were worked together to clean the compound.


The student are respect the their teacher. For example, this kids help his teacher bring the book to the class. This also shows that that kids are always be punctual when going to class.


        As for the conclusion from what we learnt when doing this final project is we learnt how to use and create this blogger. This is because all of our group members never use the blogger before this. We were just only read the others people blogger in internet. So, this is our first time using it and sign up into it. After we are done to sign up to blogger , we have to face the challenge on how to publish the post that we are done and how to change the background of the blog to make it become more interesting. We also learnt how to put the images and videos in blogger. Firstly, it was so difficult for us to do that, to manage the images,videos and all about our blogger because it's our first time doing this blogger. But, finally we were managed to do that and created the blog for our IT's subject project.

        As for conclusion from the our topic, we can conclude that is very important for young children to have the good moral values. But, it is not just for young children , we as an educator have important role which is we should teach them the good moral values that they can applied in their life. This is because when they already become a adulthood, they can differentiate between the good and the bad things moral values. We can teach them the good moral value such as respect ,honestly ,self-disciplines ,responsibility ,good manners ,politeness ,courage and friendliness.



         This is our group members for the Information Technology Preschool Education's subject.

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